This photography style is open to interpretation and debated amongst photographers. Basically a model may actually be topless or nude, but her nipples and genitals will always be hidden from view in the final picture, though buttocks may be visible within this genre. This is achieved by body positioning, camera angles, lighting, clothing that hangs in just the right place and other props to cover her bits and pieces. It is one of the most fun genres to shoot and a common request from ladies.
Implied Nude Photography Styles
Implied - Body Positioning
This selection shows how a model can use her hands, arms, hair and body stance to hide her intimate areas
Wearing clothing in a manner which shows the model may not be wearing underwear beneath a loose garment, without actually revealing nipples or genitals.
Implied - Props & Rear View
Here we show how props such as cushions, teddy bears, chairs etc can all be used to hide the body. Each model is clearly topless or naked, but intimate areas remains hidden.