A High Quality Service
A sensual, full body massage is essentially a gentle caress of your body, from head to toe. The massage is ideally done in the comfort of your own home, provided there is enough room to set up the massage table and you may choose from a range of fragrant oils to enhance your relaxation, play soft music, light candles etc to create the atmosphere you desire.
This is a 'full body' experience, which does mean all of you. It is designed to be pleasurable and relaxing, but it may also be very arousing and have varying results, depending on the person receiving the massage.
Contact: info@inmyskin.co.uk
The massage table is good quality and comfortable
Although portable, you need a space with a length of 2m in which ever room you wish to have the massage take place. This would usually be a living room area and i will help to move and replace furniture to facilitate this, if required.
I provide a clean or new base sheet to lay on, but you should have your own large bath towel to cover your body to begin with, although this will be removed as the massage progresses.
A selection of body oils will be available for you to choose the fragrance you like best.
It is recommended to keep the room nice and warm before and during the massage. A nice warm bath or shower 30 mins to an hour prior to the massage will also enhance the relaxation.

Prior to the beginning the experience, we will discuss any areas of your body that you prefer to be left alone. For example, some people have very ticklish feet and hate them being touched. You may also have an very sensitive area or injury that should be avoided. Although the massage is mostly a gentle touch, there is some pressure applied to muscle areas.
It is understood that all of your body is included in the massage and this will be confirmed with you at the beginning.
To begin the massage, you will be left alone in the room to fully undress and position yourself on the table, with your towel over your body.
Your neck and shoulders is the first area to receive attention.
Your towel is positioned to reveal your back and the sides of your torso.
The massage progresses to your back, sides and upper arms.
Your towel is lowered to reval your buttocks.
The massage progresses to the base of your back, sides and now includes the buttocks.
Your towel is now completely removed.
The massage continues to work on the thighs and calves, down to the sides of your feet.
Your towel is replaced on your body and you are asked to turn over, while underneath the towel.
The massage will continue with the shoulders and upper arms.
The towel will now be lowered to reveal your upper body
Your sides and tummy will be gently oiled, avoiding the breasts.
The breasts will now be included avoiding the nipple area to begin with.
For most ladies, the breast nipples are a sensitive area and will now be included.
The towel is now completely removed from your body.
The massage will now continue to the top of your legs and thighs
Lower legs, calves, including feet and toes.
The sensual area of the inner thighs is now included, avoiding contact with the genital area
The massage now moves into the most sensual phase, the pelvic area. This will include the vagina with the intention of arousal and potential climax for the lady.
To further enhance the senual experience, wearing ear plugs and a sleep mask will usually heighten the senses and is an option to be considered.